In Columbus, because of an ongoing threat from ANTIFA and BLM, the recently-scheduled #BackTheBlue and Freedom rally was cancelled. That bothered a lot of people. The police departments need our support right now, more than they ever have in the past. What can the Christian do that shows support but at the same time avoids the organized problems that the revolutionaries want to bring to the public square?

Prayer. We don’t want to be known as people who pray to be seen but we do want to be seen as people who pray. There’s a way to balance this and see God at work.

Next Saturday, May 8, 2001, we’re going to drive to our municipal PD office and sit in the car in front for just a couple minutes. We’ll offer a prayer for the officers as well as for other officials, for safety and a sense of justice for all. Then we’ll drive off.

I would encourage you to do the same.

This requires no permits. There will be no special speakers. It costs you a few cents in gasoline, a very minimal expense. It creates no public access problems. Nobody gets hurt in any way. There’s no enough ANTIFA & BLM to cover every city and small town, every county, township, and state office. If anyone is going to incite violence let it not be the Christian. Genesis 6:13.

Will the officers know that you’re there? Maybe. Maybe not. Many will and will take note. But what’s important is that we are behaving and praying consistently for justice and care about their safety.

We may not see you there, nor will we know of what you do. It’s better that way If you want to organize in your local church, there’s not much organizing to do. Just challenge people to spend 5-15 minutes of their Saturday. The Lord will do the rest.