Back the Blue Prayer Time

In Columbus, because of an ongoing threat from ANTIFA and BLM, the recently-scheduled #BackTheBlue and Freedom rally was cancelled. That bothered a lot of people. The police departments need our support right now, more than they ever have in the past. What can the...

On Icons, Saints, and Super Heroes

There’s the Justice League, the Fantastic Four, the X-Men, and so forth. Teams of super heroes, all assembled to fight evil. Or at least to fight antagonists, depending on who tells the story.  These names are known to the majority children and a good number of...

2015 In Review

Nobody can say that 2015 was no an interesting year.  Marriage has been redefined.  Justice Kennedy has restated the law and the Constitution as a philosophical preference.  The human body is now up for sale to the highest bidder.  Bruce Jenner has proven to the world...