An Evangelical Perspective

Theology, Science, Ethics,

plus a little woodworking and photography just for the fun of it

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Star Trek: Andromeda

Star Trek: Andromeda Yesterday’s Yesterday Outline Part 1    Regathering Data & Geordi meet Andromeda identifies anomaly Data & Geordi go through anomaly Andromeda takes on Data & Geordi Data and Geordi are introduced to Andromeda’s systems Data and Geordi...


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Book Review

Review: William Lane Craig’s “God Over All”

If you’re a philosopher this work is a useful tool even outside of the primary theological concern. You will get a good handle on the abstract objects question along with some useful points for resolving it. Likewise if you are a heavyweight in theology this work can help you do better theology and even help you be more aware of some things which taint our understanding.

Two Books for Elder Training

During the mid and late 1970s the church were I fellowshipped was making to bold move toward multiple elder leadership and away from the senior pastor structure. It was a bold move at the time. Other local church pastors of the same association took offense to this...

Christianity & Society

Christianity vs Mobs

It is clear that President Trump did not incite the riot and invasion of the capitol building. His language was clear, that they should cheer on Congress and go home peacefully. That's a fact.   People died in D.C. Many died during the Obama years when the mob...

A State of War

Forty years ago we, in college, debated whether or not the “hot box” approach to Christian education was appropriate. Should we keep our children out of public school where there might be some influence? Should we keep them in Christian schools, isolated from the...


Margaret Sanger: When Empiricists Demand Evidence

Don't let the title confuse you.  I am not saying that Sanger was an apologist for the Christian faith.  Far from it.  But what she and so many others have done is provide an outlet for what I believe is functional evidence for the truth of Christian theology.  The...


One Reason to Have and Use a Block Plane

Some people think of woodworking as an either-or proposition. Either everything is done with power tools or everything is done with hand tools. Hand tools give your work a character that can't be replicated. There are so many things that one can do manually that power...

A WordPress CSS image sizing trick NOT

Here's a simple goal: Resize the Wordpress post feature image WITHOUT having to go to the bother of creating a child theme OR modifying functions.php. It can be done. You'll want to do this to control the size of the feature image when it shows at the top of your...


Seven Things That are not God’s Calling

What does it mean to be called by God? It seems like it's something we understand but can't explain. Is it an inward, individual thing where God does something in a person's heart to lead that person into service? Or might it be a community concern where the church...


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What’s Wrong with Apologetics Today?

It is all the rage for the young. Apologetics teachers are the Christian "rock stars" for this generation. Oh, sure, there are singers and groups that get bigger followings. And there's a bunch of mega-church leaders who draw magnificent crowds. But those groups and...


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On Model Falsification

The empirical movement of modern science in the 19th and 20th centuries raised questions about knowledge.  Hume, Kant, and others asked how we can know and how we might verify that what we know is true?  Hume began with empiricism but had an issue with the reliability...


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