by Collin Brendemuehl | Sep 3, 2024 | Book Review
Book Review: The Rise and Fall of Dispensationalism Daniel G. Hummel William B. Eerdmans, 2024 ISBN 978-0-8028-7922-6 This is going to be more of an interaction than a review. That seems a more beneficial approach to such a work. And the conclusion first, if...
by Collin Brendemuehl | Apr 4, 2024 | Book Review
If you’ve read my past reviews, you know that they’re really perspectives. I don’t generally take a lot of time to thoroughly analyze the substance and soundness of the author’s argument. Rather, I like to look at the character of the argument, whether or not I agree...
by Collin Brendemuehl | Jul 23, 2023 | Book Review
The Toxic War on Masculinity by Nancy Pearcey We live in interesting times, as the Chinese curse goes. It seems like there is a distinct division in the styling of Christian books. Those that are academic in nature tend to be polite and unoffensive while communicating...
by Collin Brendemuehl | Dec 13, 2021 | Book Review, Movie Review
Last evening we went to see the new West Side Story, directed by Steven Spielberg. It was an interesting experience. The choreography was outstanding. This movie was able to work with larger available “real estate” that a stage play (and an almost-direct adaptation of...
by Collin Brendemuehl | Oct 24, 2021 | Movie Review
We were told the movie was fun. So, we went to see it last evening. Free Guy is what you get when you combine The Matrix, Inception, and The Truman Show in a blender and wait for whatever might come out. It contains all of their core components. Most of them are...
by Collin Brendemuehl | Jul 31, 2021 | Book Review, Christianity and Society
I wanted to call this piece “Three Books on Racism” but it really isn’t. The books are about Marxism and social manipulation. Then again, calling it “Three Books on Marxism” would scare a lot of people away. And to some it would be misleading as the topic of...